28 Haziran 2013 Cuma



The Simpsons is an American adult animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical parody of a middle class American lifestyle epitomized by its family of the same name, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies American culture, society, television and many aspects of the human condition.

The family was conceived by Groening shortly before a solicitation for a series of animated shorts with the producer James L. Brooks. Groening created a dysfunctional family and named the characters after members of his own family, substituting Bart for his own name. The shorts became a part of The Tracey Ullman Show on April 19, 1987. After a three-season run, the sketch was developed into a half-hour prime time show and was an early hit for Fox, becoming the network's first series to land in the Top 30 ratings in a season (1989–1990).

Since its debut on December 17, 1989, the show has broadcast 528 episodes and the twenty-fourth season ended on May 19, 2013. The Simpsons is the longest-running American sitcom, the longest-running American animated program, and in 2009 it surpassed Gunsmoke as the longest-running American primetime, scripted television series. The Simpsons Movie, a feature-length film, was released in theaters worldwide on July 26 and July 27, 2007, and grossed over $527 million.

The Simpsons is widely considered to be one of the greatest television series of all time. Time magazine's December 31, 1999, issue named it the 20th century's best television series, and on January 14, 2000, the Simpson family was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It has won dozens of awards since it debuted as a series, including 27 Primetime Emmy Awards, 30 Annie Awards and a Peabody Award. Homer's exclamatory catchphrase "D'oh!" has been adopted into the English language, while The Simpsons has influenced many adult-oriented animated sitcoms.


Episode 1: Mooneshine River
Novamov - LimeVideo - NowVideo

Episode 2: Treehouse of Horror XXIII
Novamov - Played.to - NowVideo

Episode 3: Adventures in Baby Getting
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbull

Episode 4: Gone Abie Gone
Novamov - Played.to - Vidbull

Episode 5 - Penny-Wiseguys
Novamov - Played.to - Vidbull

Episode 6: A Tree Grows in Springfield
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbull

Episode 7: The Day the Earth Stand Cool
Novamov - NowVideo - Played.to

Episode 8: To Cur with Love
Novamov - Now Video - Vidbull

Episode 9: Homer Goes to Prep School
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbull

Episode 10: A Test Before Trying
Novamov - Played.to - NowVideo

Episode 11: The Changing of  the Guardian
Novamov - DoneVideo - NowVideo

Episode 12: Love Is a Many Splintered Thing
Novamov - LimeVideo - NowVideo

Episode 13: Hardly Kirk-ing
Novamov  - LimeVideo - NowVideo

Epiode 14: Gourgeous Grandpa
Novamov - LimeVideo - NowVideo

Episode 15: Black Eyed Please
Novamov - LimeVideo - NowVideo

Episode 16: Dark Knight Court
Novamov - Vidbull - VideoZed

Episode 17: What Animated Women Want
Novamov - LimeVideo -  NowVideo

Episode 18: Pulpit Friction
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbull

Episode 19: Whiskey Bussiness
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbull

Episode 20: The Faker Boy
Novamov - Played.to - NowVideo

Episode 21: The Saga of Carl Carlson
Novamov - NowVideo - Played.to

Episode 22: The Man who Came to Be Dinner
Novamov - NowVideo - Vidbox.eu

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